1 March 2020
By simplo
Emptying a jute bag… then what?
There are many ways to reuse coffee jute bags. We decided to go for the most adorable one. And that’s how 200 leftover bags from our roastery got a second life in… Warsaw ZOO.
Two weeks after handing them over, we visited the ZOO to check out how animals enjoy SIMPLo jute bags. Let’s just say… wow. The ZOO team came up with so many creative ways to use the sacks. We didn’t know where to look first.
They serve great as toys for Sofia and Zulus. The view of wild animals adorably scratching and ripping through the material that a moment ago had a whole different purpose hit a soft spot in our SIMPLo heart. Besides, we’re just happy it’s not anything else the cats had their way with…

Digging to get to goodies
When we approached gorillas’ padlock, Bwana was napping on a jute sack. Having no care in the world, you can tell he’s the cool one in the pack. At some point, he joined his buddies Azizi and Viking. The excitement rose as their morning snacks came packed in SIMPLo bags. Guess we all have to put some effort to get to the good stuff.
The sacks are filled with food and straw to encourage foraging behavior. Challenging animals to work for their meals is a part of the enrichment program. You can tell that not a boring day passes in the Warsaw ZOO.
Way to hit the sack
It turns out that the jute bags work great as nest-building material… Keeping our furry and feathery friends comfy and warm. Especially the apes like to use them for nesting. Cute view. But apparently, there is also a literal way of hitting the sack with jute…
We met a kangaroo pugilist. Yes, you got it right. Bolek got his own punching bag! And here we thought that the only kind of boxing coming from SIMPLo could be packaging your coffee for shipping.
The importance of having fun
Watching animals play with our bags was awesome. And satisfying, seeing as it’s extremely important to keep them engaged. In the wild, they can entertain themselves, yet here it’s zookeepers’ job to keep the predators away from boredom.
Things like punching sacks or ripping toys increase the animals’ physical and mental activity. It’s a great way to excite their senses and make the daily routine interesting. We’re happy to provide new ways of entertainment with our jute bags. Especially since we put fun at the same level of significance. You can tell that SIMPLo body has a wild soul.