Pure Tea_Mockup_Dose_Nandil
Black Tea

Nandil Assam

Organic Black Tea

Got tired of traveling through countless tea flavors? It’s time to go back — straight to black. This excellent tea from India is a low bow to all connoisseurs. Made in harmony with nature, steams with authenticity and passion. Signpost: Don’t confuse organic with ordinary.


Nandil Assam is far from usual. It may serve you the classic flavor but there is an adventurous spicy twist in the mix. Strong as a mother’s love, darker than starless night, gentled by the light malty note. Tastes the best after 3-4 minutes of brewing. A perfect time to forget all your worries. Peace and teas, taste voyager.


Ingredients: Black tea from certified organic cultivation
Brewing time: 3-4 minutes

Net weight: 120g

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